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Fraternity Hazing Wrongful Death

Apr 18, 2023 | Wrongful Death

The untold story of college life has recently come to light in the news headlines. They have made public the damaging or, in some cases, fatal effects that collegiate fraternities’ covert activities have had on young, promising lives. As fraternity hazing activities emerge from the shadows and into the open, an increasing number of victims are suing for the harm they have done. Fraternity hazing frequently causes sexual and physical abuse as well as compels people to consume alcohol or other illegal substances.

What Makes Hazing a Problem?

Some people view hazing as an unimportant aspect of college life. The fact is that college hazing has really been responsible for the deaths of many students throughout the years. Many have been physically and mentally damaged for life by the rituals that take place in both sororities and fraternities. Some suffer trauma or, worse, pass away. Hazing victims frequently describe their abuse as leaving them mentally unsettled, struggling with despair, and suffering from physical scars, paralysis, and posttraumatic stress disorder.

When challenged with the severity of college hazing, institutions or fraternities and sororities that permit or support this practice deny most allegations that would jeopardize their admission to the school. These groups frequently actively engage in a cover-up, withholding information and intimidating others to prevent the public from learning the truth about a horrific hazing episode. Oaths of allegiance and confidentiality to the fraternity or sorority may occasionally be demanded of members and pledges.

Forms of Hazing in Fraternities

The purpose of fraternity hazing is to humiliate and shame the target of the hazing. Several types of fraternity hazing consist of:

Sexual Abuse

There is no reason for anyone to go through sexual abuse in order to join or show their commitment to a group. Unfortunately, pledges in college fraternities are forced to put up with repulsive and degrading actions out of respect for the ritual. Regrettably, college sports teams also engage in similar customs.

Authorities in fraternities or sports organizations ignore the sexual assault that college students endure. Sometimes, sexual abuse causes physical injury to pupils in addition to mental trauma. The state and federal governments have taken action to safeguard students from being the targets of hazing-related sexual abuse while on a college campus.

Alcohol Abuse

A pledge’s ability to drink enormous quantities of alcohol is a prerequisite for admission to some fraternities. If there is no damage done, some people might think that hazing is not that severe. But this is an untrue assertion.

It is wrong to force someone to consume excessive amounts of alcohol, to use alcohol when underage, or to consume alcohol in opposition to their personal convictions. Members of fraternities and pledge classes may experience peer pressure to consume alcohol or to partake in ritual drinking activities against their choice.

Drinking already comes with side effects, but this form of pressure can harm one physically and psychologically. For instance, alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of sexual assault. Also, it’s possible that fraternity members won’t seek necessary medical attention for someone. That’s especially if they are made to drink to the point where their health is in jeopardy.

Physical Abuse

It is common knowledge that fraternities utilize physical assault to embarrass, dishonor, and recruit new members. The vast majority of instances of physical violence during fraternity hazing go unreported. Young college students who experience severe physical abuse run the danger of losing their lives or their health.

The Need to Speak with a Wrongful Death/Personal Injury Attorney

For a college student to admit that they were the victims of fraternity abuse takes a lot. They have the right to a personal injury lawyer who will help them.

Contact us at 310-933-5171 if you or someone you know has suffered a wrongful death or bodily harm. Visit our website to view more of our practice areas.
