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Doctors Causing Wrongful Death in Nursing Homes

Jun 5, 2023 | Wrongful Death

Nursing home doctors’ visits are a regular and daily precoder that can turn into a tragic event.  Wrongful death is a devastating occurrence that can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. When a person dies due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act, the victim’s family may be entitled to compensation. Unfortunately, wrongful death cases are becoming more common in nursing homes. Elderly residents are often vulnerable to abuse and neglect. In recent years, there has been an increase in cases where a doctor visiting a nursing home has caused the wrongful death of a resident.

The Dangers of Nursing Homes Doctors’ Visits

One of the biggest dangers of nursing home doctors’ visits is the risk of misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis. Due to the limited time available during a visit, and the pressure to see as many patients as possible, doctors may not have the opportunity to thoroughly examine and diagnose the residents. This can lead to a failure to diagnose serious conditions, such as infections, which can quickly become life-threatening.

Another danger of doctor visits in nursing homes is the risk of overmedication. Therefore, many residents require multiple medications to manage their health conditions, and doctors may prescribe additional medications without fully understanding the potential interactions between different drugs. This can result in serious side effects, including death.

Negligent Care by Doctors

In some cases, nursing home doctors’ visits may provide negligent care to residents. This can occur when a doctor fails to follow standard medical procedures, such as failing to monitor a resident’s vital signs, failing to properly diagnose and treat an illness, or failing to report abuse or neglect. Negligent care by a doctor can result in serious harm to the resident, including wrongful death.

Responsibility for Wrongful Death in Nursing Homes

When a resident of a nursing home dies due to the negligence or intentional act of a doctor, the doctor and the nursing home may both be responsible for the wrongful death. The nursing home may be liable for the doctor’s actions. First, if they failed to properly supervise the doctor, or failed to ensure that the doctor was qualified to provide care to residents. Second, if they failed to take action to prevent the doctor’s actions from causing harm to the resident.

In order to hold a doctor or a nursing home responsible for wrongful death, the victim’s family must be able to prove that the death was caused by the doctor’s or nursing home’s negligence. This may involve obtaining medical records, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with medical experts to establish the cause of death.

How to Protect Your Loved Ones in Nursing Homes?

To protect your loved ones in nursing homes, it is important to understand the risks associated with doctor visits. Here are some steps to minimize these risks:

  • Making sure that the nursing home has a policy in place for supervising doctor visits. This policy should ensure that residents receive appropriate care.
  • Talking to the nursing home staff about the doctor’s qualifications, experience, and track record for providing quality care.
  • Making sure that the doctor thoroughly examines your loved one during each visit. As well as, the doctor answering any questions you have about the care.
  • Paying close attention to any changes in your loved one’s condition, and reporting any concerns to the nursing home staff.

Contact KAASS LAW Today

Wrongful death caused by a doctor visiting a nursing home is a serious and preventable problem. By taking steps to protect your loved ones and holding those responsible accountable, you can help to ensure that residents receive the high-quality care that they deserve. If a loved one has suffered harm due to the negligence of a doctor visiting a nursing home, you may get compensation for your losses. We handle many practices aside from wrongful death. Give us a call at 844-522-7752 for a consultation
