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Nursing Home Accidents: Wrongful Death Caused by a Visitor

Jun 2, 2023 | Wrongful Death

Nursing home accidents are more common than you may think. Nursing homes are designed to offer a secure and comforting setting for the elderly and individuals with disabilities. However, harmful conduct from individuals visiting these facilities can have grave consequences, even resulting in fatalities. Visitors to nursing homes can range from family members and friends to healthcare providers and other individuals who come into contact with residents. Unfortunately, visitor conduct can lead to wrongful deaths, leaving the victim’s loved ones heartbroken and struggling to cope.

The Dangers of Visitors in Nursing Homes

Visitors to nursing homes can create an unsafe environment for residents in many ways. Unfortunately, some visitors engage in physical or verbal abuse, leading to serious harm. Additionally, some visitors bring in dangerous items like weapons or drugs, jeopardizing the safety of nursing home residents. Moreover, visitors can unknowingly spread contagious diseases like the flu, which can be particularly hazardous for those with weakened immune systems.

Negligent Behavior by Visitors Causing Nursing Home Accidents

In some cases, visitors to nursing homes may engage in negligent behavior that results in harm to residents. First, this can include failing to properly supervise children. Second, failing to follow infection control protocols. Lastly, failing to report abuse or neglect. When visitors engage in negligent behavior, it can result in serious harm to residents, including wrongful death.

Responsibility for Nursing Home Accidents

The nursing home may also be accountable for wrongful deaths if they didn’t provide residents with the following:

  • Supervision of visitors
  • Verifying their credentials
  • Take other precautions to keep residents safe

The victim’s family must show proof that the nursing home’s or the visitor’s negligence led to the victim’s death in order to prove that there was a wrongful death.

Recognize the possible risks posed by visits and take action. This entails making sure the nursing home has policies in place to oversee visitors and ensure the security of the patients. It is also critical to communicate any worries you may have to the personnel at the nursing home and ask them to keep an eye out for anyone who might be a danger to the residents. Visitors must follow the nursing home’s infection control policies, and any violations must be reported to the staff. Additionally, if a resident’s condition changes, the nursing home personnel must be notified right once.

How to Protect Your Loved Ones in Nursing Homes?

To protect your loved ones in nursing homes, it is essential to understand the risks associated with visitors and take steps to minimize these risks. For example, you can do this by:

  • Ensuring that the nursing home has policies in place to supervise visitors and ensure the safety of residents
  • Discussing any concerns you have about visitors with nursing home staff and asking them to monitor visitors who may pose a threat to residents
  • Making sure that visitors follow all infection control protocols and reporting any violations to nursing home staff
  • Paying close attention to any changes in your loved one’s condition and reporting any concerns to nursing home staff
  • Encouraging visitors to follow all rules and regulations set by the nursing home and to refrain from engaging in any behavior that could harm residents

Contact Attorney Today

Wrongful death caused by visitors in nursing homes is a serious and preventable problem. Therefore, by taking steps to protect your loved ones and holding those responsible accountable, you can help to ensure that residents receive the high-quality care that they deserve. If you or a loved one have suffered harm due to the negligence of a visitor in a nursing home, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Contact an experienced attorney to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for your case.

Call us at 844-522-7752 or visit our website for other practices.
