Bedsores Caused by Nursing Home Negligence
Often times, bedsores are caused by nursing home negligence which causes injuries to the skin caused by prolonged pressure.
What is a bedsore?
Bedsores, also known as pressure sores, are injuries to the skin caused by prolonged pressure. Bedsores are more prone to occur in locations on the body that have direct contact to the bone (i.e: the head, back, ankles, and hips). Bedsores have four different stages, increasing in severity throughout each stage and eventually resulting in damage of the bones itself. If not treated, bedsores can cause sepsis, bone/joint infection, and, ultimately, death. Patients are at risk of developing pressure sores if they have trouble moving and are unable to change position while seated or in bed. Immobility may be due to:
- Generally poor health or weakness
- Paralysis
- Injury or illness that requires bed rest or wheelchair use
- Recovery after surgery
- Sedation
- Coma
What Causes Bedsores?
The primary cause of bedsores may be due to the negligent care of the nursing home. Nurses and staff members are strictly trained to care for the patient. It is necessary for nursing home staff to follow procedures intended to limit the risk of developing bedsore, as well as treating those who already have bedsores.
How to Avoid Bedsores?
The customary method used to avoid bedsores is re-positioning, which aid to alleviate constant pressure in common high-pressure areas of the body. Nursing home staff has the duty to help patients reposition themselves every hour. For patients that are restricted to a hospital bed, they should be re-positioned by staff at least every two hours.
What Legal Actions Are Available for Bedsore Victims?
If your loved one that is in a nursing home has bedsores, you may be eligible to file a negligence lawsuit on the nursing home. Documentation that proves the patient acquired the bedsores as a result of negligence of the nursing home is important. Filing a lawsuit is a productive way to handle negligence in a nursing home and it can ensure later care for the other patients. For it is crucial that the patients are taken care of properly.
Give us a call at 844-522-7752. Our attorneys are available to speak with you in English, Armenian, Spanish and Russian.